Module freya::_docs::animating

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Freya comes with use_animation, a hook you can use to easily animate your elements.

You can animate numeric values (e.g width, padding, rotation, offsets) or also colors. You can specify the duration, the easing functin and what type of easing you want.

Here is an example that animates a value from 0.0 to 100.0 in 50 milliseconds.

fn main() {

fn app() -> Element {
    let animation = use_animation(|ctx| ctx.with(AnimNum::new(0., 100.).time(50)));

    let width = animation.get().read().as_f32();

    use_hook(move || {
        // Start animation as soon as this component runs.

        rect {
            width: "{width}",
            height: "100%",
            background: "blue"

You are not limited to just one animation per call, you can have as many as you want.

fn app() -> Element {
    let animation = use_animation(|ctx| {
            ctx.with(AnimNum::new(0., 100.).time(50)),
            ctx.with(AnimColor::new("red", "blue").time(50))

    let (width, color) = animation.get();

    use_hook(move || {

        rect {
            width: "{}",
            height: "100%",
            background: "{}"